Regular member: a newly registered and approved member who has contributed to at least one discussion with minimum 5 interventions (excluded presentation)
Enthusiast: an approved member with more than 5 interventions on at least 3 topics
Senior member: Same requirements as per the enthusiast but with seniority as an approved member of one year
Moderator: chosen by the Administrator among the most active and experienced enthusiast and senior members.
The P-Concrete forum is subject to the following internal rules, established by the site administrator
Every discussion within a specific forum topic are managed by a moderator in charge of respecting the rules and checking on the compliance with the rules by the users and verify the relevance to the topic
The moderator is chosen by the portal administrator. The chosen moderator has the faculty to accept or reject the assignment
It is not possible to join the forum unless one has previously registered on the portal. Privacy is guaranteed when registering
The messages are posted in real time without prior check
If anyone thinks it is necessary to criticize anyone who does not respect these rules, they should privately address an email to the moderator
The moderator has the right to expel from the forum those who do not repeatedly respect the established rules
It is forbidden to use the forum for commercial advertisements, for speculative purposes or for profit, unless express authorization
Any invitation to purchase, especially if prices are specified, must be considered as advertising information, which must be authorized
The messages contained in the forum can be reproduced on any means of communication on condition that the authorization is sought from the respective authors and the source is cited (e.g. the domain of the portal or site)
Personal offenses and forms of denigration towards political, religious, cultural, or social ideas are not allowed. Every criticism must be polite and documented with concrete examples
Thrifty use of capitalized and/or bold words is recommended
Use of quotas or quotations from other users: no more than 30-40% and always strictly related to their response
The use of attachments is prohibited, due to viruses. Any external link must be verified and whoever adds it, is also responsible for it
The first intervention of each member must necessarily be a short message of presentation, at his discretion, which can be followed by a new technical intervention